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In the case of a person staying in the period of acclimatization, conditions of mental or physical overstrain, it is advisable to use 1 Aerovit pill in a course of 2 weeks to 2 months. Patients during the rehabilitation period after severe neurological or cardiac pathology, surgical intervention are recommended to take Decamevit 1 tablet twice a day for 20 days. It is advisable to eliminate the lack of vitamins of groups B, A in a moderate form by taking Hexavit at a dose of 1 tablet 2 times a day.

Hypovitaminosis D in children requires separate consideration. Eliminating the deficiency of this nutrient must begin at the first sign of rickets. Replacement therapy is carried out with an alcohol or aqueous solution of vitamin D at a dose of 3000 IU for a course of 45 days. Then it is recommended to reduce the intake of the drug to 400 IU. At this dosage, the nutrient should be taken every day for a year. In a situation where hypovitaminosis D cannot be treated with medications due to individual intolerance, ultraviolet irradiation sessions are prescribed.

Get greens, vegetables and fruits in season for your diet. In spring and autumn, take multivitamin complexes. They provide the body's daily need for nutrients, preventing the occurrence of deficiency phenomena. Drug prevention of hypovitaminosis is indicated in the presence of a history of reliably transferred nutrient deficiency. In addition, drug replacement therapy is indicated.

Did you find an error in the text? Select it, press Ctrl + Enter and we'll fix it! Hypoglycemic coma is a critical condition of the endocrine system that occurs against the background of a sharp drop in blood sugar levels (that is, glucose). First aid for a hypoglycemic coma is required by the patient immediately, however, the provision of assistance provides for the need to specify the condition, that is, to determine whether the symptoms of hyperglycemia are present (with an excess of glucose in the blood).

First aid for hypoglycemic coma is extremely important for the patient, and in particular, it is important how quickly those people who are in close proximity to him when this condition occurs will respond. The importance of providing such assistance lies in the fact that its absence can lead to cerebral edema, and this, in turn, will provoke the occurrence of irreversible damage to the central nervous system.

It should be noted that with frequent attacks of hypoglycemia, as well as with a frequent state of hypoglycemic coma, adult patients experience personality changes, while children have a decrease in intelligence. In both cases, the possibility of a lethal outcome is not excluded.

As for the state of hypoglycemic coma in the elderly, and especially in those for whom ischemic heart / brain disease and cardiovascular diseases are relevant, it is especially dangerous, because myocardial infarction or stroke can act as a complication of its course. Given this feature, it is imperative to undergo an ECG after the symptoms of hypoglycemia are stopped. With prolonged episodes of hypoglycemic coma, accompanied by the severity of its characteristic manifestations, encephalopathy may occur, that is, diffuse brain damage in combination with oxygen starvation and impaired blood supply to the brain tissue. In this case, the death of nerve cells occurs, degradation of the personality is noted.

First aid for hypoglycemic coma. precautionary measures. For the correct first aid in a condition caused by a hypoglycemic coma, it is important to clearly determine which of the symptoms of this condition indicate hyperglycemia (in which the blood glucose level rises), and which indicate hypoglycemia (in which, accordingly, the glucose level is lowered). The fact is that both of these cases require the implementation of measures that are opposite to each other.

To bring out a person who is in a state of diabetic coma (hyperglycemic coma), an injection of insulin is urgently needed. As a rule, patients with diabetes have a first-aid kit with them in case of such a condition, in which there is everything that is needed for this injection (dosage instructions, cotton wool, alcohol, syringes and, in fact, insulin).

That is why, in order to provide first aid for hyperglycemic coma on the street in accordance with this requirement, it is necessary, first of all, to search the patient for the presence of a first aid kit with insulin. If available, a dose of insulin (50-100 units) is administered into the thigh or upper arm. Considering that the patient may certainly have injection marks, it should not be difficult to navigate this.

Considering the fact that diabetic patients, who, in fact, are faced with the condition in question, have reduced immunity, it is important to exclude in every possible way the possibility of infection of the injection sites, and also strictly observe the measures of insulin asepsis, as usual they receive.

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  • As for hypoglycemia, there are certain measures that also require implementation in order to alleviate the condition as soon as possible.
  • Atwhen the patient is conscious, which will allow him to swallow the liquid on his own, a sugar solution is given for use. To do this, dilute 1-2 tablespoons of it in half a glass of water.
  • The lack of consciousness in a patient requires intravenous administration of a glucose solution (40%).
  • It is also possible to increase blood sugar levels by administering a subcutaneous injection of adrenaline solution (0.1%, 1 ml).
  • The basis of the pathogenesis of hypoglycemia, according to modern concepts, is a decrease in the utilization of glucose by the cells of the central nervous system.
  • It is known that free glucose is the main energy substrate for brain cells.
  • Insufficient provision of the brain with glucose leads to the development of hypoxia, followed by a progressive impairment of the metabolism of carbohydrates and proteins in the cells of the central nervous system.

Different parts of the brain are affected in a certain sequence, which causes a characteristic change in clinical symptoms as the hypoglycemic state progresses. First of all, the cerebral cortex suffers from hypoglycemia, then the subcortical structures, the cerebellum, and, ultimately, the functions of the medulla oblongata are impaired. The brain gets its nutrition from carbohydrates.

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